Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Indiana Law Grad Asks President Obama: 'Is the American Dream Dead for Me?'

From the TaxProf Blog:

A growing number of disgruntled law school graduates have taken the to Internet to anonymously vent their frustrations about high debt and poor job prospects.

Not Ted Brassfield. The recent Indiana University Maurer School of Law—Bloomington graduate took his concerns to the most powerful person in America: President Obama. Brassfield, 30, laid out his financial problems for the president during a town hall meeting about the economy held Monday in Washington, televised by CNBC. Brassfield explained that he's drowning in law school debt and doesn't have the means to contemplate getting married or starting a family. "I was really inspired by you and your campaign and the message you brought, and that inspiration is dying away," Brassfield told Obama. "What I really want to know is: Is the American dream dead for me?"

Brassfield's question has prompted plenty of pontificating in the media. The National Law Journal spoke with Brassfield, who lives in Washington and does temporary document review jobs and other non-legal jobs to pay his bills, about the town hall meeting and his legal aspirations. His answers have been edited for length.

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