Sunday, March 7, 2010

The role for reconciliation

Straight from the horse's mouth - Senator Kent Conrad in the Washington Post:
A lot of misinformation has been spread recently about the budget reconciliation process. As chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, I have the primary responsibility for budget-related matters in the Senate. So let me set the record straight.

Reconciliation is not being considered for passing comprehensive health-care reform. Major health-care reform legislation passed the Senate without reconciliation on Christmas Eve. If the House now passes that legislation, it can go immediately to President Obama's desk to be signed into law. (emphasis mine-SP)  What the president and others have suggested is that, after the House acts, reconciliation could then be used to pass a much smaller "fixer" bill to allow for modifications to the comprehensive bill that will have passed under regular order.
So, I'll say it one more time!  If the House passes the Senate bill, it's done!!  Call your Congressperson ASAP and tell them to vote NO!  Call, write, fax, scream, whatever but if you are opposed to this let them know now!  This is the last stand! - SP

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