Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Boot Barney Frank: Support GOP challenger Sean Bielat

From Michelle Malkin:

Spread the word and send your money. Corruptocrat Barney Frank has a strong GOP challenger who needs your help in advance of the September 14 primary.
His name is Sean Bielat. He’s a businessman. He’s a Marine. He’s a young father fed up with “systemic corruption” in arrogant Washington. He opposes cap-and-tax, will fight other oppressive Obama eco-policies that are squeezing fishermen, supports a strong national defense, and believes “It’s time for our leaders to return to and abide by the Constitution.” He launched a RetireBarney campaign back in April. Bielat’s latest campaign ad roasts Frank for his recent Fannie-Freddie flip.
His new radio ad takes on Frank and the Dems’ failed stimulus and bailout policies. Listen here.
Barney Frank has held his seat for 29 years. Three decades is enough.
As Mark Levin put it so well in his radio monologue tonight (via The Right Scoop), we can’t afford to sit on the sidelines. It wasn’t the original Tea Party movement’s way. It wasn’t the Founding Fathers’ way. Says Levin: “There are candidates who have presented themselves to us. Our fellow citizens. These are patriots. And they’ve sought our help. How can we ignore them? They’ve stood up, put aside their private lives and careers, and answered our calling. They have volunteered to take on the very forces that have been destroying this nation. Are we to leave them on the political battlefield with no backup?”
Hell, no. When brave citizens step up to the plate to tackle entrenched corruptocrat incumbents, they deserve our support.

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