Saturday, January 21, 2012

Keystone Madness

Keystone Madness

"Now, reacting to a congressional deadline to decide, Obama rejected the proposal. But he also suggested that a new application with a modified Nebraska route -- already being negotiated -- might be approved, after the election. So the sop tossed to the environmentalists could be temporary. The cynicism is breathtaking."

Indeed! - SP

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

13 Politically Incorrect Gun Rules

guns | crime | shooting | The Daily Caller

At the top of the list:

1. Guns have only two enemies rust and politicians.

Dear Andrew Sullivan: Why Focus On Obama's Dumbest Critics? - Conor Friedersdorf - Politics - The Atlantic

Dear Andrew Sullivan: Why Focus On Obama's Dumbest Critics? - Conor Friedersdorf - Politics - The Atlantic

"I submit that had Palin or Cheney or Rumsfeld or Rice or Jeb Bush or John Bolton or Rudy Giuliani or Mitt Romney proposed doing even half of those things in 2008, you'd have declared them unfit for the presidency and expressed alarm at the prospect of America doubling down on the excesses of the post-September 11 era. You'd have championed an alternative candidate who avowed that America doesn't have to choose between our values and our safety.

Yet President Obama has done all of the aforementioned things. "

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Death by Wealth Tax | Hoover Institution

Death by Wealth Tax | Hoover Institution

One only has to do a cursory study of the French Revolution to understand the truth of this article. If taken to the extremes that the current Administration and others in Congress (i.e most Democrats) would like to take them, not only will this country CONTINUE to suffer but it will become worse than any of us can imagine! - Sp

Sunday, January 15, 2012

"Conservatives Remain the Largest Ideological Group in U.S." (And, of Late, the Dumbest) @ AMERICAN DIGEST

"Conservatives Remain the Largest Ideological Group in U.S." (And, of Late, the Dumbest) @ AMERICAN DIGEST

"These people are deeply stupefied and confused. Ideology will do that to you. They seem to think, to actually believe, that this coming election is about only voting if you can vote for a candidate you like. Let me disabuse these kids of this silly notion right away. The election of 2012 ain't a conservative popularity contest. It's a war to, first, last, and always, destroy any possibility of a second term for Barack Hussain Obama.

This is not a "Vote-For" election. This is a "Vote-Against" election. This is not a "Sit-It-Out-And-Pout" election. This is a "Get-Obama-Out" election. That is what it is about and that is all it is about."

If you call yourself a Conservative you need to read and and UNDERSTAND this!! Pure ideology will NOT win this election! We ALL need to unite behind the candidate that is finally chosen and defeat the greatest threat to this country in our generation! - SP